RUUD – The Best In Air Conditioning You’ve had hot summers where it feels like you could cook an egg on a sidewalk. Waves of heat roll off the roads and if you don’t have two bottles of water on you at all times then you feel like you might shrivel up. While summer can… Continue reading RUUD – The Best In Air Conditioning For Phoenix

Best AC Units for Arizona Your current AC might not be doing its job. Arizona has a very unique climate and requires the perfect HVAC to combat our extreme temperatures, but what are the best AC units for Arizona?  With temperatures reaching well over 100 degrees and lows dipping down to near freezing, you need… Continue reading Best AC Units for Arizona

SEER Ratings and Why They Matter If your energy bill climbs during peak heating and cooling seasons, your HVAC may not be SEER compliant, but what is a SEER rating and why is it important?  SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, and refers to a rating system defined by the Air Conditioning, Heating, and… Continue reading What is a SEER Rating and Why is it Important?

Helping Phoenix Arizona Stay Cool Having access to a Phoenix AC Service is crucial, especially during the summer months when units are pushed to their limit.  If you live in Phoenix, you know how unbearably hot and arid the weather can be, and if your unit breaks you’re in for a rough time.  There’s nothing… Continue reading The Only Phoenix AC Service You’ll Ever Need

10 Years of Manufacturer Warranty

Lets imagine where a 10-year warranty might come in handy. It’s a hot day in Phoenix — who are we kidding, it’s always a hot day in Phoenix! Anyway, you’re in the comfort of your living room

HVAC: Huge Variable Account Cost

So you’re thinking you may need to repair your HVAC. Maybe you’re seeing it struggle or work harder than normal to heat or cool your home. Whatever the reason you’re thinking of repairing it

Air Filter

In every home there exists some sort of air control system and an air filter to go with it. We cannot continue breathing the same CO2 we exhale each and every day.

Smart Thermostats

It’s that time of year when everyone is anticipating the onset of spring. We’re all looking forward to more sunshine, but early spring also means bipolar weather. With freezing temperatures at night and warmer conditions

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