RUUD - The Best In Air Conditioning For Pheonix
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RUUD – The Best In Air Conditioning For Phoenix

RUUD – The Best In Air Conditioning

You’ve had hot summers where it feels like you could cook an egg on a sidewalk. Waves of heat roll off the roads and if you don’t have two bottles of water on you at all times then you feel like you might shrivel up. While summer can be fun in the sun it can also be overbearing heat that can reach dangerous levels in homes without proper air conditioning. And those that do often see their electricity bills shoot through the roof. This is because most of our AC units are not SEER rated. This is why RUUD is top of the charts for air conditioning, they provide energy efficient cooling and are SEER rated, which means they are energy efficient, and help you save money instead of losing it over just a few years.

Investment and Return

Now you’re interested and want to know how RUUD can save you money, so lets look at a few of the units and how they cost compared to their return on efficiency.

  • 13 And 14 Seer Rating: Rated at One $ out of five for upfront cost, this unit pays for itself within ten years and you can expect to see it paying back into your pocket!
  • 15 to 18 Seer Rating: Rated $$$ on the upfront cost, it’s more expensive than the 13 and 14 seer rated units but will pay for themselves within 7-10 years depending on where you live.
  • 19 Seer Plus: Rated $$$$$ on upfront cost, these units are top of the line. The good news is they will pay themselves off in 5-7 years before they put money back into your pocket. Higher cost, but quicker return and better cooling for you home!

The upfront cost of a RUUD Seer rated unit may be higher for their top of the line products but you begin to see returns on your investment faster than a lower seer rating! And having that high seer rating is important: Less electricity used by your air conditioning saves you money during the summer months and helps out the environment. A two for one deal!

Where To Buy RUUD

If you’re looking to get the best RUUD Home AC Units then you’ll want to head over to AC Order Direct and browse through our large collection of Home HVAC solutions. When you’re ready to purchase we’ll connect you with a local professional for installation and get you on the road towards cool, climate controlled summers!

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